6 Viktiga tips för att välja rätt Promenadscooter

6 Important tips for choosing the right Promenadscooter

Choosing the right walking scooter can make a big difference to your everyday life. With our long experience of walking scooters, our expertise in technology and extensive service workshops all over Sweden, we at Eloped are here to guide you through the process.

1. Identify your need and area of ​​use

Before you buy a mobility scooter, think about how and where you plan to use it. Are you going to use it for city walks, nature excursions, daily errands or maybe for all three? By clearly defining your needs, it becomes easier to choose the right model that fits your specific requirements.

2. Explore our different models

There may be a range of different models to suit your needs. Then it is good if you decide what is most important to you. Is it appearance and color? Perhaps you care more about load capacity than range? Make a list of your requirements for the machine. Also familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of the model you are interested in. Factors such as range, battery type, maximum speed, turning radius and weight limits are critical to ensure the mobility scooter meets your needs. Eloped's technical experts are on hand to answer all your questions.

3. Plan your storage of the machine

Decide where you intend to store your walking scooter at home. There are several different solutions depending on your living situation. Can you fit the scooter in your home? Do you have a garage where electricity is available? In some cases, the landlord needs to be contacted to make room or run electricity to the garage or storage room. Everyone's situation looks different but the most important thing is that there is enough space, electricity to charge the machine, that the machine is protected in bad weather and of course that it is easily accessible to you when it needs to be used.

4. Inspect warranty and service options

Make sure you understand the warranty terms and what service options are available. At Eloped, you are offered extensive support, including service at your home address and access to spare parts. Our customer service is always ready to help you when you need it.

5. Customize your walking scooter and find accessories

Consider what accessories and customizations can enhance your experience. There are a variety of accessories such as cane holders, rollator holders, protective covers and smart maintenance chargers to customize your walking scooter.

6. Try before you buy

Before making your final decision, you might want to try out the model you're stuck with. At Eloped, you can book an appointment to test our walking scooters and receive personal advice from our experts. We have a number of partners throughout the country and also offer a test drive at your home address so that you can feel confident in your choice of walking scooter.


With these tips and our dedicated support, you can confidently choose the perfect walking scooter that improves your mobility and quality of life according to your needs and wishes. Contact us today to discover our wide range of walking scooters and get expert advice!